I am often asked what I do for a living. More often than not, when I reply with my standard “I am a skills development provider, specifically Learnerships to the Hospitality Sector”, I see the eyes glaze over. But really, learnerships are a true win-win: good for a school leaver’s career opportunities, good for an employer’s bottom line. So, what is a hospitality learnership – really?
What is a Hospitality Learnership?

A learnership is “a work-based learning programme that leads to an NQF registered qualification”. Learnerships are directly related to an occupation or field of work. In our case, Hospitality. They promote access to education and training, as they allow one to work and get started on a Hotel career while also studying for a formal NQF registered qualification. In order to graduate with a Hospitality Learnership, a learner is required to complete a series of modules which comprise both theoretical and workplace practical training. The workplace component of the qualification is completed under the guidance of staff, supervisors/managers and a mentor (said staff/supervisor/manager). The theoretical component is provided by a CATHSSETA accredited Skills Development Provider, like us – Hospitality Trainer.
“Learnerships are a true win-win: good for a school leaver’s career opportunities; good for an employer’s bottom line”
The 4 key players in a Hospitality Learnership
Learnerships are managed by a Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA) which were introduced by government to help skill learners (school leavers) to prepare them for the workplace. Hospitality Learnerships specifically fall under CATHSSETA – Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality. CATHSSETA ensures that learners are learning the right things and developing the skills they need to succeed in the sector – and in your own hospitality establishment.
Player 2: The Learner
Learners need to be older than 16 and younger than 35. They need to have completed school to be eligible to apply to a learnership.
Player 3: Your Hospitality Establishment
Learnerships take place at a place of work. Your establishment is the site where the learners complete the practical, hands-on component of the learnership. You need to have a manager or supervisor involved in the process as they will oversee this component – ensuring that learners are meeting your standards.
Player 4: An Accredited CATHSSETA Skills Development Provider – like us, Hospitality Trainer.
An accredited skills development provider brings the whole learnership together. We:
- manage the implementation of the program
- take control of the theoretical component of the learnership
- show you which benefits are available in terms of ROI, including your BBBEE score
Remember, you can only take advantage of the many benefits of Hospitality Learnerships if you use a CATHSSETA accredited skills development provider
Hospitality Learnership programs develop necessary skills and workplace experience that will open up better employment or self-employment opportunities for the learner and of course, improve companies bottom lines through the various benefits of hosting learnership programmes.
We offer four essential programmes: Accommodation Services NQF Level 2; Food & Beverage Services NQF Level 4; Hospitality Reception NQF Level 4 and Professional Cookery NQF Level 4.
Let’s have a chat, we look forward to your enquiry.

Explore our accredited in-house learnerships now. Begin the journey towards establishing learnerships at your establishment.
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